Month: March 2023

Protein French Toast Bites

I’m going to be honest, I’m either a genius or out of my mind but this High protein french toast recipe is such a filling delicious breakfast. Why out of my mind you ask? Well who needs slices of bread to make french toast? I’m using low calorie hot dog […]


Mac and cheese is a beloved dish in households across the country. It’s the ultimate comfort food that satisfies our cravings for something warm, cheesy, and filling. However, traditional mac and cheese is not always the most diet friendly option, as it can be high in calories and low in […]

Teriyaki Chicken Meal Prep – Only 398 Calories

Teriyaki chicken is a classic dish that is enjoyed by people all over the world. With its sweet and savory flavors, it is the perfect meal for a quick dinner or for meal prep. I’m going to show you how to make a this teriyaki chicken meal prep, how to […]

LOW CALORIE COOKIES – Birthday Cake Cookies

Cookies are one of the most popular treats out there, but they’re also one of the most high-calorie ones. For those of us with a sweet tooth, it can be challenging to indulge in our favorite treats while also maintaining a healthy diet. However, the good news is that you […]